A community centre just a stone's throw away from the mosque! The WIA Centre was purchased in 2010 to provide our growing community with more space to run the programs and events to serve its needs.
The WIA Centre hosts a large prayer hall, kitchen, two large halls for events, meeting rooms and classrooms. It is used for children's after school programs like the WIA Academy for Quran and Islamic Studies, halaqat for men and women, workshops, and more. It is available for rent by filling out the rental form below!
Sheikh Aamir Zaidi is the Administrator of Religious Affairs, a role that focuses on the following:
a) Youth counseling, education and outreach
b) New converts care: education, counseling and follow up.
c) Religious consultancy to ISWA and Daawa Committees
d) WIA representation for Daawa and Outreach activities
Sh. Aamir can be reached either by email: religiousaffairs@windsormosque.ca or by voicemail: 519-966-2355; Extension 4.
To book the centre, fill out the rental form and send it to reservations@windsormosque.ca
2555 Mckay Avenue, Windsor, Ontario N9E 2P4, Canada
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