The Oneness of Allah (God) is also known as Tawhid.
Tawhid is a complex term with many depths of meaning in Islam as it is the fundamental truth of the Islamic faith.
It is also one of the chief characteristics of the Islamic concept because, among all the belief systems and philosophies currently prevailing among human beings, only the Islamic faith can be characterized as having a pure form of monotheism.
“Say (O Muhammad): He is Allah, the One and Only! Allah, the Eternal, Absolute; He begetteth not nor is He begotten. And there is none like Him.
[Surah Ikhlas, Verse 4]
Muslims believe that Allah caused all things to exist. Allah is the only one who created and maintains all things. Allah is not in need of help or assistance over creation.
Because Allah is the sole creator and maintainer of the universe, it is to Allah alone that we direct our worship. Allah alone is worthy of prayers, praise, obedience, and hope.
Allah is seen as distinct from his creation. As human beings, Muslims believe that one may strive to understand and emulate certain values, but Allah alone has these attributes perfectly, in full, and in their entirety.
The Quran is filled with descriptions of Allah's nature, often through attributes and special names such as The Merciful, The All-Seeing, The Magnificent. There are 100 names in total that describe Allah's characteristics and nature.
The five pillars of Islam define the basic identity of Muslims - our faith, beliefs and practices - and bind together a worldwide community of believers into a fellowship of shared values and concerns.
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May you be protected and blessed, Ameen.
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